"Sedgwick mentions several other Traditionalists who identified with the Orthodox Chruch, such as the young Swiss Jean-François Mayer in the mid-1970s and Alexander Dugin, who is currently politically active in Russia. Dugin attempts to correct Guénon's dismissal or neglect of the Orthodox tradition, arguing 'the Christianity that Guénon rejected was Wertern Catholicism. Guénon was right in rejecting Catholicism but wrong in rejecting Eastern Orthodoxy, of which he knew litte'. Dugin claims that 'Orthodoxy, unlike Catholicism, had never lost its initiatic validity and so remained a valid tradition to which a Traditionalist philosophy into Orthodox terms. Even though 'Schuon's universalism claimed to encompass Christianity, as it did all religions(...). Tradicionalism has not usually claimed to be compatible with Christianity. As the exception, Dugin's Tradicionalism led not to Sufism as the esoteric practice of Islam, but to Russian Orthodoxy as both an esoteric and exoteric practice". (JOHNSON,Christopher D.L. The Globalization of Hesychasm and the Jesus Prayer: Contesting Contemplation. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2010, p.72)
“Crucial to Dugin´s politics is the classical concept of the "conservative revolution" that overturns the post-Enlightenment world and installs a new order in which the heroi values of the almost forgotten "Tradition" are renewed". For Dugin, the conservative revolution is "the Last Revolution", "The greatest Revolution in history, continental and universal...the return of the angels, the resurrection of the heroes, and the uprising of the heart against the dictator-ship of reason" (Dugin 1997b, p. 26. Ver Russian Fascism: Traditions Tendencies Movements, de Stephen Shenfield M.E. Sharpe, 2001,p.195)
"En 1997, el eurasianismo encontró resonancia con la publicación del libro Principios de geopolítica: futuro geopolítico de Rusia, de Dugin y Prokhanov, quienes emergieron como principales ideólogos del movimiento eurasianista. Uno de los principales adeptos a este movimento es el líder del partido comunista, Gennadi Zyuganov, quien a su vez publicó los manifiestos geopolíticos intitulados La geografia de la victoria y Más allá del horizonte, que son una mixtura de nacionalismo étnico y socialismo, en los que se vincula la lucha de clases con el conflicto este-oeste." (PEREYRA, Antonio Sánchez. Geopolitica de la expansion de la OTAN, Plaza y Valdes, 2003, p. 183)
“O Eurasianismo conseguiu reconciliar filosofias muitas vezes contraditórias como o comunismo, a religião ortodoxa e o fundamentalismo nacionalista, conquistando adeptos” (Revista militar - Volume 60,Edições 1-7, 2008, p. 234)
“Apart from the original Eurasianists, Dugin's worldview is also the product of his study of the European "conservative revolutionaries" of the interwar period and of his interest in mysticism, paganism, and the occult”. (LARUELLE, Marlene.Russian Nationalism and the National Reassertion of Russia, 2009, p.110)
"Dugin takes this deep-past mythology as a usable conceptual basis, a tradition, as it were, for future social and political development. In his picture of ideal future he sees the "coincidence of possibility with principle: in Tradition what is meant by the spiritual source or principle is not the actual past but the past 'outside of time', the paradisal, the past of the golden age, and therefore is nearer to the future than to the actual past, or more exactly, to the 'the eternal present', to 'all ages' existing at once. In Dugin's geopolitical myth there are three kinds of heroes, the original Eurosianist, fascist and European new-rightist thinkers, and his neo-Euroasianist contemporaries. He admires intellectuals who he believes share one of his passions, whether for Eurasian imperialism or for mythologies of the deep past. The heroes offer Dugin aspects of his ideology of tradicionalism, which is vociferously negative, anti-personalist and anti-individualist. Traditionalism stands for the 'rights of nations' but without saying who can claim those rights and act on them, who belongs to a nation, and who is to make that supreme decision as to who belongs. Dugin's villains are whole classes of people, primarily the Jews and the Catholics, followed by Westerners, with whom Dugin disagree, who stand for civil social values, representative democracy, and enlighment rationalism. Is a 'neo-pagan' mystical work, The Methaphysics of the Gospel, Dugin offers us a retreat of the Wertern Catholicism and Judaism”. (CLOWES,E. W. Russia on the Edge.Cornell University Press, 2011, p.57)
"O que torna Dugin notório e preocupante é que o seu pensamento faz lembrar, em certos aspectos, Hitler. As suas teorias são hoje aceites sem relutância pelo Partido Comunista." Revista militar, Volume 60,Edições 1-7, 2008, p.236)
"Les principes du Parti National Bolchevique, fondé en 1993 par l'écrivain et poète Edouard Limonov et le philosophe mystique Alexandre Dugin, son un mélange de nationalisme russe, de national socialisme, d'autocratie (Manfred Gerstenfeld, Shmuel Trigano. Les habits neufs de l'antisémitisme en Europe.Café noir, 2004, p.280)
"Aleksandr Dugin, anch'egli fusore di elementi di destra e di sinistra, secondo uma formula "rivoluzionario-conservatrice", della quale è il più autorevole teorico." (Sergej Kulešov, Vittorio Strada. Il fascismo russo.Marsilio, 1998. p.104)
"Dugin ha via libera e accesso immediato sia al Cremlino che allo Stato maggiore e alla Duma (il Parlamento russo), tutti organismi in cui, parlando come l'ideologo del putinismo" (Paolo Guzzanti. Guzzanti vs Berlusconi. Aliberti, 2009, p. 311)
"The kind of fascism Dugin wants to realize in Russia is called by him "Russian national socialism.Dugin concluded:"Indeed, no pale, brown-pink national capitalism, but the glaring dawn of a new Russian Revolution, fascism, boundless as our lands, and red as our blood." (Marcel Van Herpen, Putinism: The Slow Rise of a Radical Right Regime in Russia.Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)
"Is Dugin vision, Putin will not become a gosudar or a prince, as Panarian proposes. He remais "just" a, very powerful, president. Aleksandr Dugin does not conceal that he is a fully-fledget fascist. In his book Konservativnaya Revolyutsiya (The Conservative Revolution) of 1994 he praised "The Third Way", which was "not left and not right". (Marcel Van Herpen, Putinism: The Slow Rise of a Radical Right Regime in Russia.Palgrave Macmillan, 2013)
Leiam as palavras de Parvulesco, jornalista e escritor romeno, ligado ao movimento de Dugin:
“O verdadeiro centro de gravidade da atual política planetária, no seu conjunto, encontra-se de fato na Europa e concerne aos atuais esforços de integração imperial europeia em torno do polo franco-alemão e de suas relações com a nova Rússia de Vladmir Putin. É o projeto ainda relativamente confidencial, em via de realização, do eixo transcontinental París-Berlin-Moscou. A atual grande política europeia é uma política fundamentalmente conspirativa, porque todo conjunto de suas opções operativas maiores se passa nas sombras, protegida por dispositivos especiais de despistamento estratégico e desinformação visando a desviar a atenção dos Estados Unidos da marcha dos acontecimentos e mantê-los longe da realidade, do alcance decisivo do processo de integração imperial europeia em curso". (PARVULESCO, Jean. Vladimir Poutine et l'Eurasie. Les Amis de la Culture Européenne, 2005)
(...) Putin é “simbólica e inconscientemente, é como uma representação terrestre do Cristo Pantocrator com seus exércitos, como o sol de justiça”. (PARVULESCO, Jean. Vladimir Poutine et l'Eurasie. Les Amis de la Culture Européenne, 2005)
“Kreml-Chef als dem omnipräsenten Pantokrator”. (DONATH, Klaus-Helge. Das Kreml-Syndikat, Rotbuch Verlag, 2008, p.149)
"[...]Do outro lado da 'direita' e "esquerda", há uma revolução una e indivisível, que está contida na tríade dialética: 'Terceira Roma - Terceiro Reich - Terceira Internacional' . O reino do nacional-bolchevismo, "Regnum", o Império do Fim; eis aqui o perfeito cumprimento da maior revolução da história, enquanto continental e universal. Falamos do retorno dos anjos, a ressurreição dos heróis, da insurreição dos corações contra a ditadura da razão. Esta Última Revolução é tarefa do Acéfalo, o portador sem cabeça da Cruz, Foice e Martelo, coroado pelo Sol da Suástica Eterna.[...]" (Alexandre Douguine, Le prophète de l' eurasisme. Avatar Editions, 2006 , p.147)